One a Day Womens Multivitamin Reviews and Consumer Product Report
Quality Ingredients – For most consumers, quality means coming from whole foods or organic food sources. One a Day uses Synthetic Nutrients manufactured in a lab. While it is still better than not getting these nutrients at all daily, doctors recommend getting your nutrients from whole foods. Like many of the big pharmaceutical companies Bayer, the maker of One a Day, use lower quality ingredients to offset the fixed cost of storage and shipping associated with selling in retail stores nationwide. If the quality of nutrients in your multivitamin is important to you, and it should be, you need to seek out a multivitamin for women that uses better quality ingredients at a price that your family can still afford.
Complete Formula – One a Day Womens Multivitamin reviews have shown that this formula is complete. They offer 21 essential vitamins and minerals for women who take this vitamin daily. If you are concerned about rounding out your daily nutrition, as most women are, then One a Day Womens will meet your minimum expectations. While they do not offer any additional or enhanced support in this formula, it provides what women under the age of 50 need to look and feel their best.
[stextbox id=”warning”]Bottom Line: We feel there are superior multivitamins on the market. Go take a look at the TOP RATED multivitamin in this category.[/stextbox]
Enhanced Support – Enhanced support is when a multivitamin provides nutrients in addition to the bare minimum. These additional ingredients provide support for health concerns common to women under the age of 50. One a Day Womens, however, provides NO ENHANCED SUPPORT in this formula. While the company has products to meet these health issues, they require their customers to spend extra money in order to take advantage of them. In that regard, One a Day Womens offers no added value for users.
Price and Overall Value – One a Day Womens counts on pricing to win their customers. They spend massive amounts on TV ads to persuade consumers, then by having pricing that consumers do not object to, then gain sales. In general, this multivitamin for women costs $12-$19 depending on which location you purchase it at. While this multivitamin does not have much in terms of added value, and the freshness and quality is questioned, the price is agreeable and the product is conveniently located at your local stores.
Additional Information and Shopping Tips
Comparison shopping is extremely important for consumers to do nowadays. The internet gives every person access to all of the information they need to make informed decisions. Too often, consumers consider very little when purchasing a multivitamin. The assumption is that they are all the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The One a Day brand is well known to consumers and the multivitamin enjoys great brand recognition. For years that mattered to consumers, but nowadays it doesn’t mean as much. Bayer, a major pharmaceutical company, manufactures One a Day. They ship and supply retail outlets across the country and globe with these vitamins. While some consumers think that is great, those in the know understand that this affects the Freshness, Concentration and Overall Benefits of these vitamins. One a Day is often stored on shelves for months prior to being purchased by consumers.
There are a number of things to consider when buying a multivitamin. Ultimately, your personal priorities will make the choice of which multivitamin is right for you. We recommend superior quality nutrients for our readers. Before you make a buying decision, read our reviews, reports and check out our comparison charts. The information may help you make the choice best for your family.